Stuffed Chicken Tortilla
- 4 piece Tortilla wraps (readymade)
- 1/2 kg boneless Chicken breast (wash and pat it using kitchen tissue paper to dry
- Veggies (onion,cucumber,cherry tomatoes,jalapenos,lettuce and gherkins
- puck cheese spread to apply on tortillas
- 1/2 tsp ginger garlic paste
- 1/2 tbsp red chilli paste
- 1/2 tsp vinegar/lemon
- 1/2 tsp garam masala
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 2 tbsp olive oil extra virgin
- Marinate chicken using ginger garlic paste, red Chili paste, vinegar, Garam Masala Black pepper and oil. Kept it aside for an hour..
- Take a non-stick pan, transfer the marinated chicken and shallow fry till chicken is soft n tender. You can deep fry it as well. keep it aside to cool. shred it or chop it into thin slices.
- Chop all the vegetables(onion,tomatoes,cucumber) and keep it aside.
- Time to Fill your Tortillas:
- Apply tortilla with cheese spread and spread pickled veggies of your choice(i have used cubed onion, cucumber, tomatoes Jalapenos, lettuce and Gherkins (soaked veggies in Vinegar and salt water for 2 hours or more to make it pickles) last but not the least shredded chicken and serve it hot.
- I have served my tortilla in a pinwheel style and other as by giving it a Cone shape.
- To get a cone shape you need to bake your tortilla by giving it a cone shape for 5 to 6 mins in 180° temp.
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